Sketchbook and Final Project Rubric

All sketchbooks and final projects will be assessed with the same rubric. Please be sure to hand in a copy of this rubric when you turn in your work.

Art II Rubric new 3:31.pages

Here’s a quick reference version of the rubric that just contains the Advanced criteria for your sketchbook and final project. Print out a copy and keep in your sketchbook for your reference:
Art II Rubric new 3:31 advanced back to back.pages

Project Planning

All units will use the same worksheet for project planning. After we have discussed this sheet at the start of each project, please be sure to glue it in your sketchbook.

Project planning.pages

Due Date Schedule

As a class we will fill out the following sheet at the start of each project. Please glue it in your sketchbook once the dates have been determined.

Art II Due Dates.pages

Artist and Artwork Evaluation

You will use the following worksheet to help you research an artist that is of interest to you and analyze their work.

Art Analysis.pages


Rubric and Handouts